Protecting Norn Pond
An extended split-rail fence has been installed along Norn Trail to protect a rare and fragile wetland ecosystem (Norn Pond). The Saanich Parks Natural Areas crew made this work possible by carrying 50 fence posts from the Churchill/Irvine crossing to the Norn Trail Pond last week—no small feat!
After advocating for this extended fencing for some time now, we deeply appreciate Parks’ hard work and collaboration to ensure this measure is taken to help restore the degradation of this area by people and dogs unaware of its fragility.
The fence will help remind users that PKOLS (Mount Douglas Park) contains rare, at-risk ecological systems, including some of the most extensive remaining Camas and Garry Oak meadows in Saanich, which are incredibly fragile. Every ecosystem in the park has been provincially and globally identified as endangered.