Author Archives: Ed

Proposed New Tower on PKOLS Problematic

Saanich is planning to erect a taller tower well into the current parking lot. This is to replace the tower you see on the left. The image below, drawn to scale, would show the tower dominating the approach, blocking multiple … Continue reading

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Dogs as Agents of Disturbance

For full view click here: Dogs-as-agents-of-disturbance-Michael-A.-Weston-and-Theodore-Stankowich

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Extinction Threats to the Ecology of Saanich

The Salish Sea archipelago, in which the Saanich Peninsula is included, is an enormously biodiverse region that supports unique mega flora with diverse topographies and microclimates. Throughout this unique ecological zone, there are populations of rare species that vary from … Continue reading

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Environmental Protection Ruling

In June of this year, the Environmental Protection Tribunal of Canada clarified an issue of dogs running at large within a migratory bird sanctuary. An individual was fined for having their dog off-leash in Cadboro Bay, which is in the … Continue reading

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Saving the Species

Justine Hunter’s article in the Globe and Mail highlights the unique species found in Southern Vancouver Island and how many are found nowhere else in the world, species that are in danger of becoming extinct. This is highlighted in the … Continue reading

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Volunteers, First Nations work to bring back a disappearing oak prairie: Mongabay News.

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Great Horned Owls

The Great Horned Owl is a large owl that hunts at night. They are about 70 cm tall with a 160cm wing span. The males and females are very similar in appearance, with the females being slightly larger. They lay … Continue reading

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Ground Nesting Birds and Others

We often repeat the protection mantra: please stay on the marked trails. There are several excellent reasons for this. The most obvious is that our feet treading the ground compresses the soil and trample plants. Then, where we walk others … Continue reading

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Spring 2023 Newsletter

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Endangered Coastal Douglas-fir

PKOLS-Mount Douglas is Saanich’s largest protected Coastal Douglas-fir forest. Our nature preserve is in a narrow climatic region with a Mediterranean-like climate that allows these trees to grow; unfortunately, through many factors, these forests in this zone are mostly unprotected … Continue reading

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