Replacement Tower Location Decided

Saanich Council approved the PKOLS communication tower to be located at the summit in the vicinity of the existing tower that it will be replacing. This is a win-win: Saanich gets their tower, and the Park is saved. This summit location completely hides the tower as one approaches Churchill Drive, and it is obscured by trees from the summit parking lot and also on the lower sections of the summit trail.

The tower will be installed using a crane based in the summit parking lot. There will also be a new trail with stairs constructed from the parking lot to the summit, improving the safety of the existing route. All installation costs related to this new tower installation will be paid from prior and possibly future tower rental income, not tax dollars. A portion of the monies from the lease are dedicated to improving and preserving the park for future generations.

The current tower will be removed by crane after the new tower is installed and fully operational.

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