A primary benefit of society membership is keeping informed about the park through newsletters and email updates. Your membership provides us with a stronger voice in advocating for the Park. Members are not required to volunteer.
The Friends of Mount Douglas Park Society has been advocating for and working in Mount Douglas Park since 1990. Grants support some of the activities we are involved with. Becoming a member or donating helps support creek and native plant restoration, newsletter and brochure production and distribution, and more.
PKOLS-Mount Douglas Conservancy
P.O. Box 24026
RPO Broadmead
Victoria BC V8X 0B2

Society’s Purpose
- To safeguard the welfare of PKOLS-Mount Douglas.
- To protect, enhance and encourage the expansion of the boundaries of the Park.
- To encourage the preparation of a long-term plan for the Park, designed to maintain it in its natural state in perpetuity.
- To co-operate with and assist the Corporation of the District of Saanich, or any succeeding authority, in all measures designed to support and confirm the foregoing objectives.
- To raise, receive and borrow funds in order to carry out the above-mentioned objectives, and to receive grants from the Government of Canada or any department or agency thereof, and other donors, and to apply and administer such grants for such purpose and in such manner as is consistent with the objectives of the Society, generally as the donor prescribes.
Board of Directors
- Graham Shorthill
- Judy Spearing
- Darrell Wick
- Nancy Lewthwaite
- Michelle W
Society Post Address
PKOLS-Mount Douglas Conservancy
P.O. Box 24026
RPO Broadmead
Victoria, BC V8X 0B2
Letters and Reports
- Mount Douglas Communications Facility: Guiding principals for development and operation.
- Gone to the Dogs Man’s best friend is a shorebird’s worst enemy. What will it take to control beach dogs—and, more importantly, their owners?
- FMDPS Food Truck Pilot Program Update.pdf
- FMDPS Holistic Dog Review Request.pdf
- Saanich Pound Report.pdf
- Pacific Salmon Foundation visits Mt Douglas Park
- Throwing Dead Fish for Fun & Ecological Profit
- UVic Environment Law Clinic Stormwater management in Saanich
- Douglas Creek Storm Water Bypass
- Douglas Creek Study Draft Report_20111109.pdf
- Article from Victoria Buzz, Moulting Elephant Sealion and Uncontrolled Dogs
- Animal Control Complaint Form
- North Vancouver to protect park ecology as use increases by 26%.
- Dogs as agents of disturbance, study by Weston and Stankowich. (The median distance for flight response of wild animals, including all wildlife in the park, is 100m when walking a dog, on or off leash)
- Role of Pets in Human Disease, HealthLink BC, role of feces and urine in outbreaks of E. Coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Yersinia, Toxoplasma, etc.
- Understanding the Ecological Impacts of Dogs in Natural Areas.
- Environmental Protection Tribunal of Canada ruling on dogs of leash in Cadboro Bay Migratory Bird Sanctuary.
- The Ecological Impact of Rogue Trails, RMFI work done by the Rocky Mountain Field Institute of Colorado.
- New Trail in Qualicum Improves Accessibility for the Visually Impaired, CBC
- Saanich’s Retired Population versus Canada, 23.4% respectively versus 15.4%
- Blindness in Canada and its causes, CNIB, BC percentage is higher and the major cause is blindness.
Community Links
Neighbouring Resident Associations:
- Blenkinsop Valley Community Association
- Cordova Bay Association for Community Affairs
- Gordon Head Residents’ Association
A complete list of groups can be found at: - Saanich Community Groups