Contest Details & Rules
The Friends of Mt. Douglas Park Society are sponsoring a photography contest to help increase awareness of the park and its fragile, unique environment. As the Saanich website states: “Many fragile ecosystems exist within the park – from the rock outcrops at the summit to down between the tide lines on the beach. Please treat Mount Douglas Park with respect and preserve these sensitive habitats.” It is hoped that this contest will bring greater awareness of how unique and fragile the park is and how we can ensure the ecology of the park is protected and thrives. It is also hoped that new members will be inspired to join the society increasing the “friends” who are actively helping to preserve and maintain the park.

Contest Rules
- All Photographs must be taken by the person submitting them to the contest.
- The contest is open to new and existing members of the Friends of Mt. Douglas Society or those who made a donation to the society while submitting their images. of $10 or more.
- Individuals may submit up to three images.
- Images will display best at 2048 pixels per inch on the shortest side at 72dpi, this will create a file of approximately 4MB. Please, when you are sending smartphone pictures, ensure that you are sending them full size.
- Email mages to the following address:
- Please submit a JPEG file using the following protocol: first name, last name, title and category. This is an example of your JPG file name: DarrellWick_SalmoninStream_RepairanTidal.jpg. (See categories below)
- Images must be submitted on or before midnight October 31, 2022
- Photographs can be submitted under the following categories:
- Use: (Photographs that illustrate the environmentally appropriate use of the Park, such as the use of official trails)
- Flora: (Photographs illustrate the plants and trees found in the park.)
- Scenic: (Photographs that portray the scenic nature of the park)
- Riparian: (Photographs that illustrate the riparian and tidal zones of the park)
- WildLife: (Wildlife photographs of the Park)
- All photographs must be taken from the Park’s designated trails. Please keep in mind that apps such as All Trails show trails that are not official and do extensive damage to the ecology of the park when used.
Keep in mind that Saanich has stated that many fragile ecosystems exist within the park – from the rock outcrops at the summit to down between the tide lines on the beach. Please treat Mount Douglas Park with respect and preserve these sensitive habitats.
Saanich Trail Use Etiquette
In order to protect the park the Saanich has set the following trail etiquette:
- Respect plants, wildlife and private property.
- Keep our parks and trails clean – follow a Pack it in, Pack it out Philosophy. Ideally, all items taken to any park go back home with you. If needed, put litter in the waste containers. Do not dispose of trash or throw animal waste bags to the side of the trails.
- Watch for and respect horseback riders as horses may easily startle.
- Keep dogs under control.
- Please pick up after your pet and deposit bags in waste containers.
- No dogs on the beach or around the playground and lower/beach parking area (“area bounded by Cordova Bay Road, Ash Road, Douglas Creek, the natural boundary of the ocean and the northwesterly boundary of the park, EXCEPT the asphalt road surface lying to the northwest of the picnic area between the two gates” – Animal Bylaw).
- Cycle only on paved roads, not park trails.
- Many fragile ecosystems exist within the park – from the rock outcrops at the summit to down between the tide lines on the beach.
- Please treat Mount Douglas Park with respect and preserve these sensitive habitats.
Jury and Prizes
The jury will select winners on the basis of the following criteria.
- How well the narrative of the image portrays the category.
- How well the composition of the image engages the viewer.
- The quality of the image.
The jury will select a winner and runner-up in each category.
The Jury for this contest are:
- FMDPS Board
- Phyllis Schwartz:
- Edward Peck:
Prizes to be determined
All photographs submitted by individuals will retain their copyright; however, it is understood that by submitting images to this contest grants Friends of Mount Douglas Park Society the use of these images for the purposes of the society.