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  • Replacement Tower Location Decided

    Saanich Council approved the PKOLS communication tower to be located at the summit in the vicinity of the existing tower that it will be replacing. This is a win-win: Saanich gets their tower, and the Park is saved. This summit … Continue reading →

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  • Super-sized communications tower is not right for Mount Douglas

    Tower proponents are lobbying for a much bigger tower and want to put it at the existing Mount Douglas parking lot.Darrell WickLetter of May 27, 2024 in Time Colonist A friend told me the best way to get your partner’s … Continue reading →

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  • Tower on PKOLS-Mount Douglas Open House, April 4, 2024

    The existing tower is shown on the left, and the new tower’s proposed location is on the right. It is much larger because the parking lot is lower than the rock where the current tower stands. This means a giant … Continue reading →

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